Parish News
Jesus has made Himself the Bread of Life to give us life. Night and day, He is there. If you really want to grow in love, come back to the Eucharist, come back to that Adoration.
Mother Teresa
Jesus has made Himself the Bread of Life to give us life. Night and day, He is there. If you really want to grow in love, come back to the Eucharist, come back to that Adoration.
Mother Teresa
Sunday 9th February
You are asked to pray for Tom Larkin, Brandrum; Patrick (Patsy) Maguire, Telayden; Tom McCleary, Cork and Monaghan, who died recently. May they Rest in Peace.
Confessions in St. Joseph’s Church on Saturday’s 11-12noon sharp. (dependent on priest availability).
Eucharistic Adoration in St Joseph’s Church after 10am Mass until 6pm every Wednesday and Friday. All are invited to spend some special and quiet time in prayer before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.
St. Louis Infant School will hold their annual Junior Infant enrolment for next September from 13th Jan – 28th Feb. Open Day on Fri 31st January, at 10.45am. See our Instagram account @stlouisinfants for pictures and videos.
Monaghan Town ICA February monthly meeting will be held in the WCI Office, North road, Monaghan at 7:30pm on Mon 10th Feb 2025. Bring along your sewing machine for help and advice on the night! New members welcome. Also, 70th Anniversary Celebration Dinner on Thurs. 10th April. All enquiries contact Catherine on 087 6674046.
Clogher don Óige Young Adult Jubilee Pilgrimage to Rome: 26th July – 5th Aug 2025: Limited number of places available for a 10-day pilgrimage to Rome for the Jubilee Year, including events with Pope Francis. Open to young adults (18-30) and invited to join over 1.5 million other young people from across the world who are expected to come together to celebrate their faith. More details at or email
Monthly presentation night on Monday Feb.10th at 8pm in St. Joseph’s Pastoral Centre. The topic will be the uplifting life story of former Mullan Village native, the late Seamus Mulligan. Light refreshments will be served. All welcome.
The Monaghan Branch of the Irish Red Cross are holding their annual church gate collection this weekend 8th & 9th February in Monaghan town and Tyholland.
Monaghan C.P.G. celebrating 50th Anniversary at the Spring Conference in the Four Seasons Hotel on 7th, 8th, 9th February. All welcome. Contact: Rosaleen 087 9717447/ Eleanor 086 8455455.
Pilgrimage to Medjugorje Flight direct to Mostar,30 mins from Medjugorje 11-18th June Fare €855 now applies. Spiritual leader Rev. John Chester. Group leader Marian Kane 0872713260 for more information.
After 166 years of presence and ministry in Monaghan, the Sisters of St. Louis are closing their Motherhouse Convent. To mark this occasion, all are invited to join them for a Mass of Thanksgiving which will take place on Sun. 2nd March 2025, in St Macartan’s Cathedral at 3pm, followed by light refreshments in the Hillgrove Hotel. There will also be an Open Day & Exhibition of “The Story of the St Louis Sisters in Monaghan” from 11am to 2pm in St Louis Secondary School on 2nd March. All are welcome
Saturday 8th February
6.00p.m. (Cathedral) Vigil Mass (Month’s Mind) ● Anne Driver, 17 Limegrove, Kilnacloy.
Sunday 9th February
8.30a.m. & 11.30a.m. (St. Joseph’s)
12.30p.m. (Cathedral) ● For the people of the parish
Monday 10th February
10.00a.m. (St. Joseph’s) ● Macartan & Kathleen Dowd, Highfield Close & dec’d. of Dowd & Donnelly families. ● Teresa Conway, Bernie Cronin, London & formerly Monaghan; Mary Smyth, Monaghan. ● Gerry Sherlock, Glaslough Street & Tony Comiskey, Castleblayney.
Tuesday 11th February
10.00a.m. (St. Joseph’s) ● Mary & Patsy McCourt, Dunaldron; Peter & Annie Callan, Tully; Betty, Frank, Francis & Gordon McKinney & dec’d. family members.
Wednesday 12th February
10.00a.m. (St. Joseph’s) ● Paddy Power, Mullaghmatt; Patrick & Nora Power, Ballybay.
Thursday 13th February
10.00a.m. (St. Joseph’s) ● James & Bridie McGorman, 28 Devin Reilly Tce. & dec’d. family members.
Friday 14th February
10.00a.m. (St. Joseph’s) ● Packie & Nancy Connolly & dec’d. members of the Donoghue family & Emer Farrelly. ● Patricia McKenna, Mullaghmatt & dec’d. family members. ● Teresa & Niall Cawley, 12 Mullaghmatt.
Saturday 15th February
10.00a.m. (St. Joseph’s) ● Dan, Ellen & Patrick McNally, Tonniscoffey & dec’d. family members. ● Nora Corrigan, 6 Mullaghdun ● Frances McCarron, Killyvane. ● Mary & Pat Joe Ward, Coolshannagh Road & dec’d. family members and Rose Earley, Donegal.
6.00p.m. Cathedral (Vigil Mass) Month’s Mind ● Joseph Kelly, Coolshannagh Road. ● Seamus McNally, late of Park Street.
Sunday 16th February
9.30a.m. (Ardaghey) ● Philomena, Sonny & Mary Ward, Annagap.
8.30a.m. & 11.30a.m. (St. Joseph’s) 12.30p.m. (Cathedral) ● For the people of the parish
Enrolment now open for September 2025. Mr. Greenan is available to meet prospective new enrolments on Mondays or other days by appointment. Morning Club & After School Club available locally. Tel: 047 85282 or email: for further details.
for Sept 2025 is open until 19 Feb. Parents interested in sending their child to the school are invited to visit the school at 9.15am on any day during the week 27-31 Jan. Email or contact 047 39711 for further info. Tá fáilte romhat cuairt a thabhairt ar an scoil le linn na seachtaine sin.
Minor Injury Unit at Monaghan Hospital (047 38835) hours now extended. Open 8am–8pm (Mon – Sun). We aim to see you as quickly as possible. Patients 5 years plus. We treat & X Ray as needed: Broken bones, Dislocations, Foreign bodies, Sprains & Strains, Wounds, Minor chest injuries, Minor scalds & burns, Facial & eye injuries.
Monday -Thursday: 10a.m. to 4p.m.
Friday: 10a.m. to 1 p.m.
Closed daily for lunch 1p.m. to 2p.m.
As we are not a commercial business you may find this office closed at other times.
Sunday 9th February
10.30a.m. ● Frank & Mary Gray & dec’d. of the Gray family. ● James Reid, Terrycaffe; John, Bridie & Eileen Rooney, Threemilehouse; Oliver Rooney, Tullysaran, Armagh.
Sunday 16th February
10.30a.m. ● Mark Ward, Cavancreevy. ● Mark Ireland, Killyneill, Tyholland.
Enrolment for Scoil Bhríde/Leitrim NS, Tyholland, Mon 3rd February to Mon 3rd March. Application forms are available by emailing: or by telephone. To arrange a visit, contact school office: 047 84977 All enquiries welcome. ‘Settling in Days’ to be confirmed. Instagram:scoilbhride
Scoil Phádraig, Garron Tyholland (H18 Y586) Enrolment 2025/2026 will open from Monday 27th Jan. Application forms available by, downloading forms from our website,, or contacting the school office 047 85378. Join us on our Open Day Fri. 31st Jan, 10am – 2:30pm. Tá fáilte roimh gach duinne.
Tel: 047 81220
Office Secretarial Staff – Aisling, Kathleen & Elaine
Monday -Thursday: 10a.m. to 4p.m.
Friday: 10a.m. to 1 p.m.
Closed daily for lunch 1p.m. to 2p.m.
As we are not a commercial business you may find this office closed at other times.